french school

23- How to express an opinion in French: donner son avis.

To formulate an opinion about a person, regarding a fact, concerning an object, or an idea, one can use the following verbs: Je pense que = I think that Je crois que = I believe that J’estime que = I estimate that Je trouve que = I find that J’imagine que = I imagine that Je suppose que = I suppose that Je me doute que = I suspect that In French, the use of "QUE" with opinion verbs to introduce the thought, opinion, or judgment one has regarding something or someone. For example, in the sentence "Je pense que c'est une bonne idée" ("I think that it's a good idea"), "QUE" connects the verb "pense" (think) to the clause "c'est une bonne idée" (it's a good idea), expressing the speaker's opinion or thought about this idea. This grammatical structure is essential for linking the opinion verb to the object or idea on which that opinion is based. These opinion verbs have the same meaning as the following expressions: A mon avis = In my opinion Selon moi = According to me J’ai le sentiment que = I have the feeling that J’ai l'impression que = I have the impression that. Here is a list of societal topics on which you can practice expressing your opinion : Les médias sociaux : Comment les réseaux sociaux influent-ils sur nos vies ? Le travail : Quels sont les avantages et inconvénients du télétravail ? La vie citoyenne : Est-il important de voter ? L'égalité des genres : Quelles sont les choses que l'on peut faire pour promouvoir l'égalité entre les genres ? La diversité culturelle : Pourquoi est-il important de respecter et célébrer les différentes cultures ? Bons débats :)

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